Specific Features
The following features specifically apply to each of the selected software. You are welcome to explore each of the features by clicking on the Software name.
Vision SR

Vision SR is a comprehensive Vehicle Purchase, Stock, Sales and Distribution system. From Purchase Order and Receiving, Vehicle data are managed so that it can be easily matched with Vehicle Sales Order (SPK) from Customers based on Vehicle Type, Color and Transmission. Each transaction has its own supporting document and report. Stocks, Sales, incentive and other data can be exported by User that has related User access and analyzed according to your needs.
Features :
Vehicle Transactions
- Data entered flows automatically in transactions such as Purchase Order, Receiving, Purchasing, Account Payable (AP), AP Aging, Stocks, Sales, Account Receivable (AR), AR Aging without double entry.
Complete Stock Keeping
- Vehicle stocks are presented in 2 parts: Qty of Free Stocks and Qty of Picked Stocks. Free Stocks are vehicles which have not been assigned to any Sales Order (SPK) and can be sold to any customer. Picked Stocks are vehicles which are already matched with customer's Sales Order (SPK), in the process of becoming sold and therefore cannot be sold to other customer nor used for other transactions.
Vehicle Sales Order (SPK) Management Center
- Manages Sales Order (SPK) form registration and Sales Order form distribution to salespeople. Once Sales Order forms are distributed in the system to salespeople, we can monitor all the Sales Order forms assigned to them.
Vehicle Sales Order (SPK)
- Vehicle Sales Order is usually made when a Customer is ready to make a purchase by giving Down Payment for the Vehicle. Sales Order has information such as the Vehicle Type, Color, Transmission, Customer data, payment type, amount, transaction type and some other information.
- Vehicle Sales Order may also contain a list of some optional or additional accessories that dealer offers to the Customer, some at no additional charge or fees.
- Information in Vehicle Sales Order will flow into the Sales Invoice later automatically without double input.
Payment Receipt
- For every full or partial payment made by the customer, we need to give Payment Receipt as a proof of payment. Each Payment Receipt has Sales Order number on it to relate the payment to the Sales Order.
Matching Vehicle Sales Order (SPK) and Stock
- Vehicle Sales Order (SPK) and Stock are matched based on Vehicle Type, Color and Transmission. For every Sales Order our system can show you all possible free stocks (if any) that can match that Sales Order starting from the oldest stock to the newest one. This is done to help oldest vehicles in stock sold first before the new ones. Of course you are still free to choose which vehicles to sell first.
Sales Invoice
- From Sales Invoice, you can take the matched Sales Order and Vehicle Stock by using the available Pick button which will collect all the data including the list of optional or additional accessories in Sales Order and the data of Vehicle Stock into the Sales Invoice without even typing any extra information. The Drop button is used to undo the process. If there is no more change, the Sales Invoice is ready to print.
After Sales Invoice
- Sometimes a Customer would like to have two separate invoices for the transaction. One Sales Invoice is for the vehicle and some optional or additional accessories which will be paid by their Company. Another invoice (after sales invoice) is for additional items which will be paid by the Customer. These two invoices would result in two separate outstanding Account Receivables, billed to two different parties, if not immediately paid.
Delivery Order
- Once the Sales Invoice is completed, Delivery Order can be printed from inside the Sales Invoice menu or from a separate menu.
- We can set so that the Delivery Order can be printed only if either the Vehicle is fully paid or there is a document from Leasing Company that ensures the remaining Account Receivable will be covered by them.
Delivery Plan
- List of Customer and Vehicles with informations to decide whether it is ready to deliver or not.
Sales Order (SPK) Status
- A complete report of the history of vehicle transactions including Customer data, Vehicle data and documents, Matching, Down Payment, Delivery Order, Leasing, AR Payments.
Credit Application
Credit Application and documents sent to Leasing company are made automatically from our system without typing any extra information. Some of the documents are:
- Cover Note : Information to leasing company on when the Vehicle Ownership book (Buku Pemilik Kendaraan Bermotor or BPKB) of a specified vehicle will be available for the leasing company.
- AR Transfer Request : Transfer Request of the Account Receivable which is the difference between Vehicle Sales Price and the Down Payment paid by the Customer. Our system will automatically print a letter with information on the remaining amount that needs to be paid by Leasing company to dealer and Bank Account information of the dealer.
- Refund Transfer Request : Tranfer Request of Refund to dealer and Bank Account information of the dealer that will receive the transfer.
- Receipt : Receipt of the payment made by the Leasing Company and Receipt of the Down Payment made by the Customer.
Vehicle Registration Number (STNK) Application
- STNK Receipt : When the Vehicle Registration Number (STNK) application is processed and done, we need to submit it to the Customer. Our system can print a receipt that needs to be signed by both parties as a proof.
Detailed Report available on:
- STNK that have not been received yet from the agent processing the document.
- STNK that have been received but not yet submitted to the Customers.
- STNK that have been received and already submitted to the Customers.
Vehicle Ownership Book (BPKB) Application
- BPKB Receipt : Vehicle Ownership Book (BPKB) after issued dan received by dealer needs to be submitted to the Customer or Leasing Company. Our system can print a receipt that needs to be signed by both parties as a proof.
Detailed Report available on:
- BPKB that have not been received yet from the agent processing the document.
- BPKB that have been received but not yet submitted to the Customers.
- BPKB that have been received and already submitted to the Customers.
Sales Report
- Sales Reports can be grouped by Vehicle Type, Color, Customer, Salesperson, Sales Supervisor, Warehouse, City and Leasing/Non Leasing.
Sales Incentive
- Sales Incentive can be calculated using points assigned and/or percentage of Sales Price.
Profit and Loss
- Profit and Loss report can take into account Cost of Goods Sold which may come from several sources such as Unit Cost of Goods Sold, Free Optionals and Free Accessories and also refund from Leasing/Insurance that come with the Unit sold.
E-Invoice for Tax Purposes
- Sales Invoice can be exported into CSV form to be used for online tax purposes.