Select Softwares
To simplify your Software selection, we provide you with a table of Business Type, Recommended Software for your Business and its description. If your business type is not in the list, but very similar to the list provided, please let us know so we can help you decide the right Software for you.
You can type a word to search in the Search box below to narrow down the available list of choices. For example, if you type the word Spare, only rows containing the word Spare are displayed.
You can also click on the header of column Business Type or Recommended Software or Description to sort the column contents ascending (A to Z) or click again to sort it descending (Z to A).
For specific features of the Software in the list below, please click on the Software name in the Recommended Software column or you can also click here.
No | Business Type | Recommended Software | Description |
1 | Accounting System | Vision GL | Accounting System |
2 | Bicycle Shop | Vision SP | Inventory System |
3 | Body and Paint | Vision BP | Body and Paint |
4 | Building Material Shop | Vision SP | Inventory System |
5 | Car Dealer | Vision SR | Vehicle Sales and Distribution |
6 | Car Service Station | Vision SV | Service, Repair and Spare Parts |
7 | Electronic Shop | Vision SP | Inventory System |
8 | Motorcycle Dealer | Vision SR | Vehicle Sales and Distribution |
9 | Motorcycle Service Station | Vision SV | Service, Repair and Spare Parts |
10 | Parts Shop | Vision SP | Inventory System |
If your business is in Car Dealership, Car Service Station (or Motorcycle Dealership, Motorcycle Service Station) and you need an Accounting System as well for your General Ledger, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss report then Vision SR, Vision SV and Vision GL are what you need.
Some car dealers also have Body and Paint division. If yours is like that, just add Vision BP to your list.
What if your business is Electronic Shop or Building Material Shop or other shops not in the above list and you also do not need an Accounting System? Vision SP is the only one you need.