Specific Features
The following features specifically apply to each of the selected software. You are welcome to explore each of the features by clicking on the Software name.

Vision Job Control
- Vision Job Control is used for internal booking and service scheduling up to days or even weeks ahead of time. The Job Control screen can replace the conventional Job Control board used to display Time, Bay where each vehicle is being serviced and what Vehicle is serviced there at that time. Vision Job Control is packed with interesting features that can be explained when you reach us.
Vision Queuing
- This Queuing System is integrated with Vision SV (Workshop System) and installed in a Queuing Booth with nice user interface on touch screen monitor. When a Customer pushes the virtual button on the touch screen to get the ticket, all information is recorded for later analysis including the length of the waiting time to get called or even the time for the whole workshop visit to complete.
- Queuing Booth
Vision Display
- Vision Display displays list of Vehicles with finished work. It is one of the ways to inform a Customer that his or her vehicle is ready with finished works done. The display is similar to the flight schedule screen in the airports. Customer can also be sent SMS or called from our system for notification that his or her vehicle is ready.
Vision SMS
- Vision SMS is an SMS gateway integrated with Vision SV (Workshop System) and Vision SR (Vehicle Sales and Distribution System).
- It can send SMS to Customers based on User's request such as birthday, religion, expired membership, active or inactive Customer, reminder, model or vehicle year or for promotional purpose.
- Messages can be put into templates that can be retrieved and used many times.